NAGE Local R3-10 Ballot Tally Certification
Date of Election:  June 10, 2021              Tally Location: National HQ, Quincy, MA
                                                                                                            Number of Ballots
                                                            Valid Ballots Counted:           ________23________
                                                                           Void Ballots:            _________0________
                                                                 Challenged Ballots:           _________0________
                                                                          Total Ballots Cast   _________23______
  Office                         Candidate’s Name                                     Number of Votes

President                                James Clarke                                       __ UNOPPOSED___
Vice President                        DaShandra Greenwood                      __________________
                                                Matthew Perry                                    _____ELECTED____
Secretary                                Nicholas Kerman                                ___UNOPPOSED___
Treasurer                               Dustin Rardon                                    ___UNOPPOSED___



VA OCHCO Bulletin: Families First Coronavirus Response Act
VA OCHCO Bulletin: VA Employee Assistance Program

April 27, 2020
Protesting Lack of Resources at Baltimore VA
Today, union members from the National Association of Government Employees (NAGE-SEIU) local R3-19 and the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 424 hosted a protest – with socially distanced participants – to highlight employee concerns of lack of personal protective equipment (PPE), testing, telework and hazardous duty pay – at the Baltimore Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center within the VA Maryland Health Care System.

“Baltimore VA leadership has abandoned front-line employees by failing to test those exposed to COVID-19 and by not providing adequate amounts of PPE. Multiple employees and patients have tested positive for the virus, but leadership has not shared that information with the employees,” said Regina Smith, AFGE Local 424 President. “By refusing to engage with the unions and be transparent with employees, VA leadership is continuing to jeopardize the health and safety of VA employees, our families, veterans, and the communities we live in.”
During a shift change, AFGE and NAGE members shared their stories from the last few weeks. VA employees cited the lack of PPE, nonexistent testing, and inconsistent and changing policies, especially regarding telework and the lack of communication from VA administrators.
“These are difficult and unprecedented times. The entire world is paying attention to the health care sector. The public is noticing the hard work and service that our members are providing during this pandemic,” said Manny Guzman, NAGE Local R3-19 President. “We expect the VA administration to meet the needs of health care workers and compensate us accordingly during this terrible pandemic.”

Please see an additional post, published on GovExec Daily
April 20, 2020
US Senate to Secretary Wilkie, PPE Informaiton for VA

On the heels of NAGE demanding answers about the health and safety protections at the VA, the United States Senate joined in the requests.  You can find the Senate letter to VA Secretary Wikie HERE.  
The safety of our VA members is a top priority and we are thankful that the U.S. Senate agrees and has joined in the fight to demand answers from the Administration.  
April 16, 2020
President Holway Writes to VA Secretary Wilkie

You can find President Holway's letter HERE.  

April 6, 2020
Joint letter to Secretary Wilkie & Dr. Stone

NAGE has written to Secretary Wilkie and Dr. Stone, along with several other public sector unions, detailing the VA's failure to provide adequate protections to our members and demands to rectify their shortcomings.  You can find the letter HERE.   
NAGE Dept. of VA Resources


NAGE Master Agreement with DVA *NEW
Memorandum of Understanding with DVA *NEW
Memorandum of Clarification with DVA *NEW

More Information

To stay up to date on legislation and policy regarding the Department of Veterans Affairs and federal employees, click here to sign up for our newsletter. Have questions or need help? Contact our Communications Specialist, Brittany Holder

The American Labor Movement has consistently demonstrated its devotion to the public interest. It is, and has been, good for all America. - John F. Kennedy
NAGE HEADQUARTERS 159 Burgin Parkway
Quincy, MA 02169
Main Phone: (617)376-0220
Main Fax: (617)984-5695
Union Local Tax Issues Federal law now requires that every local union file an annual information return—Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-N—with the IRS. If your local fails to file under this new requirement.. Read more